I have recently authored the Swedish monograph for Kluwer’s International Encyclopaedia for Cyber Law.
The series discusses legal issues that information and communication technology has given rise to. Each monograph in the Cyber Law Encyclopaedia covers the regulation of the ICT market, the protection of intellectual property, ICT contracts, electronic transactions, non-contractual liability, privacy protection and computer-related crime.
Besides editor and main author Christine Kirchberger, who covered intellectual property rights, electronic commerce and privacy protection, other colleagues and lawyers contributed with specific chapters. Johan Kahn, Law Firm Delphi, wrote on ICT contracts, Per Nordenson, Nordenson Law Firm, on alternative dispute resolution within the IT sector, Ulf Isaksson, Danowsky & Partners, on liability, Stanley Greenstein, Swedish Law & Informatics Research Institute,discussed cryptography and standardisation, Henrik Nilsson, Bird & Bird, focused on the regulation of the electronic communications sector, and Erik Wennerström,Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, presented legal issues of computer-related crime.
The countries included in the Cyber Law Encyclopaedia are, among others, Australia, China, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, South Africa, Spain and the United Kingdom. Sweden is the 27th country to join the series, which is edited by Prof. Dr. Jos Dumortier, K.U. Leuven, Belgium.